
More about me:

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always loved art. I took every art class I could all through elementary, middle and high school. I even took AP 2D Design in high school to advance my skills as much as I could before coming to college. Due to this, I’ve always wanted to go into a career that involved some sort of creativity, whether it be content creation, art or design related. So far, I’ve had two different internships involving graphic design and I’m set to work as a Marketing and Graphic Design Intern this upcoming summer for a company called Velocity Texas. I am unbelievably excited and I can’t wait to learn more about content creation and graphic design. I can remember starting college and feeling hopeless as my major was nursing and I was sad that while it’s an incredibly important job, it didn’t spark my artistic interests.

Since coming to Texas State, I have learned so much about not only building myself up for a future career but also about art and design principals that I hadn’t learned anywhere else. I’ve definitely had to push myself further than I ever thought possible in order to further my art skills and get out of my comfort zone. I’ve taken drawing classes, 3D design and Digital Studio so far and I’ve learned so much from them. I still have a lot to learn as far as art classes go and I plan to continue taking some sort of class on my own time even after college is over, as I think there’s always room for improvement.

In the future, I hope to be a graphic designer or something similar that lets me grow my artistic skills. I would like to work in either Austin or San Antonio, depending on where there’s demand for graphic designers and content creators. I’ve also considered launching my own art store, which I’ve partially been working on through my Etsy shop. I currently only really make and sell stickers and watercolor paintings, but I plan to push out more designs over the summer. I hope to make designs that I’m proud enough of to sell prints, stickers and possibly even t-shirts.
