Graphic Design

During the summer of 2019, I had the privilege of working with Texas State’s student-run radio station, KTSW 89.9. It was super fun working with them as I got some great insight into all of the different departments and all of the work that goes into running the station. It was fast paced and challenged my art skills in ways that I’d never been challenged before. I worked with their social media department alongside another graphic designer to make designs that fit their preferred aesthetic on social media. The feedback they gave me on all of my work helped me to become a lot stronger of a designer and I don’t think I’d be where I am now without this position. Overall they had a very retro radio kind of vibe and it was super cool making designs for upcoming events and radio shows.

KTSW Graphic Design Work:

I made this graphic for a radio show called “It’s Not a Phase, Mom”
This is a graphic I made for KTSW’s Other Side Drive radio show

Working for KTSW was done almost completely remotely with the exception of executive meetings and the monthly employee meetings. It was challenging but incredibly rewarding to be able to make such neat designs for such a cool organization. I made my designs by drawing out a background on my iPad then transferring it to Canva for easy resizing and text addition. The other graphic designers’ work was very inspiring to me and helped me stay on brand for KTSW. I loved getting feedback from everyone because it helped me so much in improving my graphic design work.

Advanced Social Media Analytics Graphics

Here are graphics that I made for my Advanced Social Media class. We were all required to make graphics and an editorial calendar for my professor’s club, PR Go, and these were what I came up with. Our class also had to make an analytics report for the school of Journalism and Mass Communication’s Facebook page, which I loved because it was information heavy but still had room for some graphics to keep it interesting. We also had a project where we were given a client (Splash Coworking) and an event theme (tech meets food) that we had to make a social media plan for. My group consisted of 5 people and I was the designated graphic designer. The designs I made (primarily in Canva) were done with the theme tech meets food in mind, and I tried to stay consistent with the brand’s color scheme, which was blue and green. I really enjoyed having this class as I learned so much and got the opportunity to do projects that I would not have encountered on my own.
