
These are oil paintings from this semester:

This is a roll of toilet paper that we were assigned to paint in order to “find beauty in the mundane.” It is done on an 18″x24″ canvas and took over 16 hours to complete.

This was our reflective surface assignment where we had to line a box with aluminum foil and take photos of an object inside, then paint them. I chose a mug and strawberries. This painting took 24+ hours to complete.

This painting was for an assignment called “Masterpiece Self-Portrait” where we were to pick a masterpiece painting (I chose Gustav Klimt’s ‘The Kiss’) and put our face on it.
This painting was for an assignment called “Place” where we chose a place that meant something to us, I painted a picture of my friend’s grandma’s driveway at their ranch.

The following are acrylic paintings that were done for fun or for commissions.
